Keio University School of Medicine, Endoscopic Surgery Training Center

Event/Activity report

July 24, 2015 The Second Lecture for Suture/Ligature

The second lecture for suture ligature training was conducted.

(July.24, 2015 17:0018:30 Keio University, second floor of Institute of Integrated Medical Research meeting room)

In today's training, we timed a series of procedure for each trainees to check if they completed the assignment given at the last lecture. (to complete a series of procedure from insertion of suture needle, holding, suture, ligation, cutting of thread, to collection of the needle within a minute and a half on their own) 

As a result of their training, most of the trainees achieved the target.

In the later half, a lecturer instructed Slip Knot method combination with a practice using a simulator. As the next step up until the next lecture, each trainee started exercises to complete the procedure at a shorter time, under a minute on their own.  


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